Expressing my gratitude-


Everyone dreams.  As we get older, it’s so easy to let dreams just be dreams, as if we don’t deserve to make them a reality.  3 weeks ago when I walked away from my job that put my educational background to use, I was scared.  This time, now well into my thirties, I’ve told myself that maybe I should follow my passion.  After all, there are books about it, talk shows love to talk about it, but for some reason so few of us actually do it.

My passion is writing.  It’s always been writing, but I just never gave it full attention.  I have kept diaries since I was 7 years old, was published in Ebony, Jr when I was 8 years old for a short story that got me invited to meet Alex Hailey who signed my book.  Meeting Alex Hailey didn’t even register with me until just a couple of weeks ago when seeing my husband’s reaction after I retold the story.

I don’t regret taking a technical path with my life.  To this day, I get excited about solving technical problems and have been very successful down that path; however, my heart is not in optimizing supply chains or improving processes in the same way that I feel when I sit down to write.  That’s the difference between your passion and something you’re good at doing.

Moments like this morning, waking up and checking my Twitter messages to read one from that they would be adding me to their blogroll was so extremely validating for me.  Some of you reading this will hate, some will shrug it off wondering why I’m dedicating a post to this, and maybe a few of you will connect with what I’m saying.  It’s not just about me blogging and my little “happy dance” moment today after reading my tweet.  It’s about those little signals when you start to follow your passion that let you know you’re on the right path.

I’ve had several big moments in the past year, and I will continue to share them throughout the month in celebration of Affrodite’s Adventures In Nappy Hair’s one year anniversary.

Today, I say thank you to whoever the actual person behind Twitter id “blackvoices” that sent me the news that I would be added to their blogroll.  I feel honored and blessed today and look forward to whatever lies down the road as I continue to follow my passion.

If you don’t read, you should definitely bookmark them.  They are part of my regular rotation, as well as their blogroll (ex. HAIR APPARENT) as a source for news in the black community and beyond for just about anything of interest to you.

In the meantime, watch out for your girl Affrodite.  I hope that I’ll soon be sharing how I am a contributing writer for sites like BlackVoices.  😉  Also, thank you all for continuing to read this blog.

Asante Sana


p.s.  Special thank you to r_bennu and wlbradley who have given me some great advice recently that directly led me to this particular moment.

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