Definition of a Black Man spoken word

VIDEO: The Definition of a Black Man (Spoken Word), let’s discuss

A spoken word piece like this is nothing new, but the stereotypes of black man prevail so there is a need to continue to broach the subject until racial profiling, racism, fear, and hate cease to be relevant. Take a look at the spoken word piece and comment with your thoughts.

Black Girls Rock logo

BLACK GIRLS ROCK! 2013 honors black women making an impact, airs on BET

ET has partnered with BLACK GIRLS ROCK! to host an annual awards show honoring black women who have made a positive impact on the world. This year’s awards show will air on Sunday, November 3, 2013 at 7pm ET/6pm CT in the US. BET will be rebroadcast the show in the UK an Africa on Tuesday, November 5, 2013 at 8pm GMT.

Vicissitudes Jason DeCaire Taylor Grenada

Myth Bustin’: Grenada underwater sculpture is NOT a tribute to Middle Passage

I consider myself someone who doesn’t fall for viral online rumors easily, but it seemed so natural to believe that Jason DeCaire Taylor’s “Vicissitudes” sculpture in Grenada was a tribute to the Middle Passage…In actuality, both descriptions for Jason deCaire Taylor’s Vicissitudes sculpture are false

In the Hive movie

Loretta is divine in Robert Townsend’s ‘In the Hive’

A great story translated into an OK film, “In the Hive” is the first Robert Townsend flick that I’ve seen since the early 90s. Nonetheless, it’s worth supporting in the theaters for three reasons…Loretta Devine…Michael Clarke Duncan…Jonathan “Lil J” McDaniel

What Black Men Think documentary Janks Morgan

Documentary Channel to air Janks Morton’s “What Black Men Think” on May 29

Documentary Channel (DOC) is proud to announce the US television premiere of director Janks Morton’s award-winning documentary film “What Black Men Think” on Tuesday, May 29 (8p ET/PT)…”What Black Men Think” is an eye-opening look at the race issues that are still very prevalent in the United States today.

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