NBC Nightly News “Celebrities Making A Difference”: Jon Bon Jovi (video and commentary)
(Monday, November 9, 2009) NBC Nightly News “Celebrities Making a Difference” special week long series. Jon Bon Jovi talks about the power of “we” with Brian Williams on the eve of his group’s album release for “The Circle.”
As I mentioned in my post “NBC Nightly News hosts special week long series ‘Celebrities Making A Difference’” the week beginning November 9, 2009 expanded the regular “Making A Difference” segment to include celebrities and their philanthropic efforts. Rock star from one of the few groups of any music genre with a lifeline spanning several decades Jon Bon Jovi of Bon Jovi was the first to be featured with his organization that provides affordable housing called the Jon Bon Jovi Soul Foundation. It started out as a charitable extension from the days when Jon Bon Jovi was part owner of the the Philadelphia Soul arena football team, league now defunct, that was called Philadelphia Soul Charitable Foundation.
Unfortunately, the embed code provided on NBC Nightly News is not compatible with WordPress, so I’ll just offer you the link instead to watch while reading this post:
(VIDEO LINK) Celebrities Making A Difference- Jon Bon Jovi: I Believe in the Power of We
My reaction…
I personally haven’t listened to Jersey native Bon Jovi since the 80s, but after watching this feature about his work with the Soul Foundation, I’m a fan all over again. The first thing I had to shake was this perception that rockers who have been in the game all end up looking and speaking like Ozzy Osbourne from a lifetime of sex, drugs, and rock n roll. He’s far from that image, a family of his own, a sharp sense of business savvy, and an incredible passion to give back to others. It is so true that charity begins at home, and I liked seeing that Jon Bon Jovi has invested in the communities in his home state of New Jersey and bordering Pennsylvania.
Bon Jovi’s latest album entitled “The Circle” was released on November 10, 2009.
Related Links
affrodite.net– Celebrities Making A Difference (blog posts on entire series)
NBC Nightly News website– Making a Difference
Jon Bon Jovi Soul Foundation– www.jonbonjovisoulfoundation.org
Facebook– Jon Bon Jovi Soul Foundation fan page
JBJ Soul Foundation (news)– Jon Bon Jovi Scheduled to Appear on NBC’s Nightly News
Bon Jovi official website– www.bonjovi.com