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Legendary soul singer and Philly native Teddy Pendergrass dies at age 59

Philly native Teddy Pendergrass has died at the tender age 59. The specific circumstances leading to Teddy’s death have not yet been reported, but he had been in the hospital for the past several months after undergoing colon cancer surgery. Teddy’s son, Teddy Pendergrass II, reported that the recovery since his father’s surgery had not been going very well. In 1982, Teddy was in a car accident that left him paralyzed from the waist down. While he maintained a career on some level, his signature voice that we loved in the 70s an 80s was not quite the same.

NBC Nightly News “Celebrities Making A Difference”: Jon Bon Jovi (video and commentary)

As I mentioned in my post “NBC Nightly News hosts special week long series ‘Celebrities Making A Difference'” the week beginning November 9, 2009 expanded the regular “Making A Difference” segment to include celebrities and their philanthropic efforts. Rock star from one of the few groups of any music genre with a lifeline spanning several decades Jon Bon Jovi of Bon Jovi was the first to be featured with his organization that provides affordable housing called the Jon Bon Jovi Soul Foundation. It started out as a charitable extension from the days when Jon Bon Jovi was part owner of the the Philadelphia Soul arena football team, league now defunct, that was called Philadelphia Soul Charitable Foundation.

Media vultures are still out on Obama and race

I’m up tonight watching CNN which had Obama on Larry King Live and now Lou Dobbs, and I’m just getting annoyed.  They are still going after Obama’s affiliation with Reverend Wright and picking apart every sentence in Obama’s speech earlier this week that inspired me so much.  This is just …

My 2 cents on John Legend’s Live from Philly cd

So, it’s no secret that John Legend- Live from Philadelphia is only sold at Target, so I took my butt over there last night and bought it. After all, he is my nappy milk chocolate musical crush and he has roots in Philly which is where I spent several years …

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