2nd appointment with Mizz Ethnicita- new color and new cut
Let’s cut to the chase. Here’s my before and after pics. I’ll write more when I get a moment. In short, another FABULOUS experience!!!
i’m frizzy because i didn’t do anything to my hair this morning before going to the salon (just got up and rolled on out…at least you know what that looks like for me). the main thing to note is the color (my roots were getting real dark, it’s been 8 weeks, maybe not as obvious in these particular photos), and general shape (as in the style of my hair). a few folks said my hair looked so much lighter lately and even mizz ethnicita said it. it was much darker (see my last post on this subject) but i guess the days outdoors in the summer made my hair lighter (like straight up blond in some parts).
i was wanting to go darker, kind in prep for the season change and the fact that i had this light tone for about 6 months now.
yes, i also got my eyebrows waxed (the whole sucker for compliments thing), so i threw in a close up so you could see that as well. i also wanted (and want to) go really short with that sort of angled thing going from back to front. it’s been a long time since i’ve had a stylist who can envision my vision (i doubt i ever had one), but we were soooo on the same page as i described what i wanted to try with my hair. i like that mizz ethnicita does not keep me in a box. so many people see me and think conservative and that’s quite the reverse of the person i really am. i love that i have freed myself from the negro handcuffs of needing to be attached to long hair or bone straight hair (i ain’t hatin, though. you do you. imma do me, ok?). it’s so liberating to just look at my hair as a canvas. color it. cut it. whatever.
let me know if you likey the results this round. total cost $195 (cut, 3 colors full head treatment, deep condition treatment). it costs less to have less colors worked in and also if you have a partial color treatment, but i’m still experimenting and enjoying the process.
i am stepping away from the computer now…as much as i just want to finish this post. check back tomorrow (thursday) for the “full monty.” i tried one more new product too…ok, that’s the cliffhanger.
Update Fri 8/28/08
Sighhhh! If you could only be a fly on the wall looking at how annoyingly crazy this week has been…
So here’s the rest of the scoop… Mizz Ethnicita called me on Saturday (I missed the call) and checked in, like she did the first time, to make sure she knew exactly what I wanted to get done. Plus, she added that Wednesday was her last day working this week so she was trying to pack her schedule to service her clients before leaving town. I appreciated knowing that ahead of time. I emailed her the night before to confirm the services I wanted and she replied to my email so I know she read it.
I was running a little late out the door (hence the lack of doing my hair) so I called the salon to tell them I was on my way (it’s a super short drive, totally walkable when I’m not in a hurry). She was working with a client when I got there, so I took a seat in the waiting area. The receptionist offered me something to drink and I had some green tea (had that the last time). To top it off, they even had honey! Anybody who knows me well knows that I love honey in my tea (a change I made when in my whole get fit phase, it’s better for you than sugar), and it’s not so common here in the States.
I waited a little longer than I would’ve expected, but I wasn’t pissed because I already knew from her message that she had a pretty packed day. Plus, I sooooo needed a day to slow down and just enjoy the moment. If I were on a tight schedule, this probably would’ve been a day to reschedule, though.
After about 20 mins she sat me down and we chatted about what I wanted to do (and some small talk). I forgot that they write up what is essentially an invoice for the services you want ahead of time with the price- a touch that I haven’t experienced before coming here, but I definitely like.
She got to work on my head. Since it was a busy day, there were several others helping her out in the salon with shampooing and such. I opted for the scalp massage which was waaaaaay better than the last one (I don’t even think the last time could even count as a scalp massage). It as a newer stylist to the salon, white lady, but she was surprisingly comfortable shampooing and massaging my scalp. I guess there’s always a first.
The only thing I didn’t get this time that I expected from the last time (my first visit) is having my conditioner combed through with that paddle brush. Actually, no one combed through my hair until Mizz Ethnicita did at the end before cutting and styling it. Not sure if it mattered but it was something I noticed.
The outcome wasn’t quite what I or Mizz Ethnicita expected and it’s like we both noticed it at the same time. Again, I love when my stylist is on the same page as I am. She darked a few areas and set me back through the wash, so to speak. The second time was a charm, and I appreciated her wanting to get it right as opposed to whining…eh-hem…who could I be speaking of?
The eyebrow wax was fine. She was happy to know that I wanted to try it again and did another lovely job. For me, that means it still looks natural and she’s just giving it a bit more shape.
The cut was awesome. I wanted to go shorter, but we kind of stopped somewhere in between. I also like it stacked in the back. It’s just one of those styles that I’ve seen and liked on other people with straight hair, but it seems to work just as nicely on nappy/curly hair. I think I’ll be going shorter in the front the next go round, but we’ll see.
We settled on an appointment for 7 weeks out as opposed to 8 since my the color seems to really show somewhere between that 6 to 8 week window.
Well, that’s it! The play-by-play. Another fine experience, so I’m happy to continue to stick with stylist Mizz Ethnicita.
Oh! and I bought some Confixor Liquid Gel. Mizz Ethnicita used it on my hair this time along with the humectant pomade and brilliant conditioner, so I thought I’d give it a whirl.