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aveda brilliant conditioner

Trying Aveda hair products- post 2

Sorry, it took me forever to write my verdict on my Aveda products. “Best in Show” goes to… Aveda Brilliant Humectant Pomade 2.6oz, $19 This stuff is the shizznit y’all!  Unfortunately, they only sell it in that little 2.6oz jar AND it costs like 19 bucks a pop.  This is …

Trying Aveda hair products- post 1

So, I’m taking some Aveda products out for a test drive based on having my hair done in an Aveda salon today. Based on my salon results and the multitude of people who swear by Aveda products, I’m feeling good about their products as an option. The issue will likely …

In with the new…1st appointment with Mizz Ethnicita…and the cherry gets popped

What had happened was… I was walking High St with one of my sisters last week, pointing out various spots along the way including my old salon. Lo and behold, just a few doors down, me eyes spy a lady through the window with hair in a similar color range …

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