Media vultures are still out on Obama and race
I’m up tonight watching CNN which had Obama on Larry King Live and now Lou Dobbs, and I’m just getting annoyed. They are still going after Obama’s affiliation with Reverend Wright and picking apart every sentence in Obama’s speech earlier this week that inspired me so much. This is just ridiculous. Now he’s being labeled “controversial”. When media vultures harp on race then it gets white people scared and all of a sudden there’s an issue where there was none before.
Back off media vultures! Go chase someone else. I’ll even let you chase Michael Jackson since he’s coming out with that 25th anniversary of Thriller album (which makes me feel old by the way).
I experienced an Obama moment recently at work. The Higher-Ups dissected an email that was accidentally copied to them (note to self…ALWAYS check the names on a distro list). It was a harmless set of 3 emails intended for my co-workers regarding my status of coming into work during the blizzard. I thought they were getting all huffy about a different email and soon realized it was these innocuous emails that put the Higher-Ups into a tizzy. “What do you mean by…?” “I feel you’re trying to negatively influence…” I honestly can’t remember the emails nor do I think they’re still sitting in any of my co-workers’ inboxes. However, the Higher-Ups read every single word over and over then sent my boss over the course of 2 weekends to poke and prod at me. You might as well have locked me in a dimly lit interrogation room like you see in the movies. I know I’m the furthest thing from a celebrity, but if I take a moment to imagine this scenario magnified a million times over and broadcast through every possible media venue, I can see how those celebs end up in rehab, and Lord only knows how politicians handle it behind the scenes.
Don’t crack Obama! Don’t let them trap you with the race card! “…typical white person…” They’ll never let you live that down. They can’t wait to label you something other than a good candidate. They’re preying for a scandal. Lou Dobbs, Barack is NOT creating a race issue as you claim.
Pause…I’m cracking up now that they (CNN) have Geno’s infamous cheese steaks owner(Joe Vento) from Philly talking about his court win regarding a sign (really a sticker) insisting that people speak English to get service. “This is America, Please Speak English.” I never went there while we lived in the area because I believed a story that someone told me that they had a cockroach in the cheese steak they ordered. That just grossed me out. Now, I’m a rumor spreader. Eat there if you want. I don’t want a lawsuit because I said I heard a story about cockroaches in their cheese steaks Good! Let’s obsessively focus on that stupid ass story instead, so Obama can go back to addressing bigger issues.
Mmmm…now I’m craving a cold, clammy pretzel from Wawa. Good times, people. Good times…. What the hell is Columbus known for?