My 2 cents on John Legend’s Live from Philly cd
So, it’s no secret that John Legend- Live from Philadelphia is only sold at Target, so I took my butt over there last night and bought it. After all, he is my nappy milk chocolate musical crush and he has roots in Philly which is where I spent several years (ok, I was in Delaware County just outside the city for you people looking to call my bluff).
Anyhoo, I’m loving the ENTIRE cd. This is my second listen through as I’ve been chillin’, typin’, and enjoying the fragrances of my scented candles (Illume‘s pomegranite candle is still my favorite to this day. I used to go to a shop in NYC to buy them when I was in Jersey. One of my girls from Morgan State bought me some more a few months back and me likey! ).
I also bought Anthony Hamilton’s Southern Comfort album. Ya, ya, ya…that’s probably old news, but Ohio is culturally starved and things like neo-soul don’t even turn heads here. Home is where you hang your hat and right now it hangs in Columbus. Yikes!
More details to come as I give Anthony a listen on my drive to Circleville, home of the world’s largest (and un-spectacular) pumpkin festival. Meeting my boo for lunch since the “commoners” will be hogging my regular haunts tonight.