Four Our Sons: Film featuring role models for young black men makes its way across the USA
NEW YORK (RPR), April 22, 2010 — Without extravagant fan fare or media hype, an awe-inspiring documentary for Black families is quietly making its way across the United States.
This astonishing film, “For Our Sons,” takes as its subject the plight of all newly born and even unborn young Black children in America. The story centers on the horrendous statistic that in the United States of America, 1 out of every 3 mostly fatherless Black boys born between 2000 and 2010 will spend some time of their lives in prison.
The innovative film consists of 19 powerful and important interviews with 19 powerful and “important” Black men from different walks of life, men who have “been through the fire” of growing up Black and male in the oftentimes hostile environment of the inner city but through strength and perseverance built for themselves their own versions of the American dream.
After screening the 86 minute documentary to thousands in New York and California for the better part of 2009, last summer, filmmakers, Eric K. McKay and Vanz Chapman decided to offer free copies of the DVD to the public.
Since then, the “For Our Sons” documentary has been screened in 45 states throughout the country and abroad, “I think its gaining traction because so many Black men and women can relate to it. Also, our young people rarely see older Black men portrayed in a real and positive light, so when they see what the possibilities can be from Black men who come from the same place as them, it has the potential of changing their mind set. And let’s be clear, you have to see and hear positive things in order to become a positive person.” says the Director of the film, Eric K. McKay.
You can view the 1st 13 minutes of the film at: or I have also posted it below:
The entire 86 min. DVD, For Our Sons is available FREE of charge ($5.95 S&H) at: or