Urban Beauties Magazine launch party Mar 18, 2010 in NYC
Come join UBM in celebrating their print release and get your copy…your piece of history in the making! You’ll also get to meet author Vanessa Mullings and get a signed copy of her new book!
New York City – February 10th 2010 – Today at the offices of Urban Beauties Magazine (UrbanBeautiesMag.com), an announcement has been made for the magazine’s official print release and commemorative celebration. This event, hosted in partnership with Laseland Publishing, will take place on Thursday, March 18th, from 6:00pm Until 11:00pm at the STAY lounge in New York City (stay-nyc.com).
There will be no cover charge at this one-time cocktail party event and, anyone in the New York area is welcomed to attend. However, this event is also guest list only so, those interested in attending must put in an advance request to be added to the list. Party-goers will have an opportunity to mix & mingle with UBM staff members, surprise celebrity guests, and other industry professionals. Music will be played by renowned female DJ – New York’s own DJ Pursue. There will also be a performance by up-and-coming R&B girl group QUEENZ. Some party sponsors include Soul Purpose, My Life Keys LLC, She Bloggin, Crystal Clone, UrbanL Publishing, Dogwear, and Booty Parlor Parties.
Vanessa “L.A” Mullings will also be in the building signing copies of her new book “The Night Trade.”
Attire: Semi-Formal preferred; Business formal acceptable. Host reserves the right to be selective and deny entry.
About Urban Beauties Magazine
Urban Beauties Magazine is a fresh and inspiring new magazine created especially for young women of color, by young women of color. The magazine’s ultimate goal is to be a leader in the resurgence of positive outlets in urban entertainment; to showcase the full spectrum of urban beauty in a way that inspires…with words that inspire! Urban Beauties Magazine seeks to be a complete and valuable resource to help women of color in all their life’s endeavors…a one stop shop for information, inspiration, and beautification!
Urban Beautiful LLC, parent company to Urban Beauties Magazine / UrbanBeautiesMag.com, was established in 2004 with the hopes of igniting and leading the movement toward the continued empowerment of women of color in entertainment and beyond. The magazine was subsequently created as a platform to help execute that mission; fulfill that purpose.
Through Urban Beauties Magazine, its founders seek to reach and cater to women of color worldwide; to inform and inspire; to encourage and entertain. UBMag will feature images that are beautiful and fashion forward without being hyper sexual or stereotypical; Enlightening articles that are poignant and honest without fear; And, an array of helpful tips/fun facts on everything from love and romance to fashion and finance.
Mrs. Jazmyn ?fé Jefferson, editor-in-chief of Urban Beauties Magazine, says the main purpose of the magazine is to to help promote positive images of women of color, as well as to promote sisterhood and self-love, success, and more. Jefferson is also the founder and director of operations of Urban Beautiful LLC. She says, quote: “Ubeauties stand up. You are BEAUTIFUL, from the inside out. Be strong…strong enough to be you…strong enough to love you…strong enough to defy the stereotypes and say to hell with the status quo! It’s a new day…a beautiful day. Ubeautiful baby!”
Anyone interested in attending the official Urban Beauties Print Release or learning more about this new and inspiring magazine can check out the official website at: www.UrbanBeautiesMag.com. You can also follow them on Twitter for updates and further information: www.Twitter.com/UBMag. Their Facebook fan page is accessible at http://tinyurl.com/UBMFB and you can always reach them via email: Info@UrbanBeautiesMag.com.