Glaucoma Prevention: EyeCare America offers free eye exams
Glaucoma is something that I’ve witnessed within my own family, and is my personal reminder to get regular eye exams. It’s also the leading cause of blindness among African Americans and also common amongst Latinos. One of the most frightening aspects is that often there are no warning signs making it imperative that everyone get regular eye exam to prevent blindness.
January is Glaucoma Awareness Month, and while the month is nearly over, this information is beneficial year round. Symptoms may include:
- blurry vision
- severe eye pain
- headaches
- rainbow colored halos around lights
- nausea and vomitting
Watch the video below about EyeCare America’s FREE eye exam program:
Glaucoma affects three million people in the U.S. and is one of the leading causes of blindness. In honor of January’s Glaucoma Awareness Month, EyeCare America encourages those without insurance to really take advantage of its national Glaucoma EyeCare Program! The program offers FREE glaucoma eye exams for those at increased risk of glaucoma. Family history, race and age play a big part in evaluating your risk. African-Americans, Hispanics and people with diabetes are also at higher risk of getting the disease.
But, there is good news: If detected early, there is hope! Glaucoma can be treated with eye drops that lower eye pressure, laser therapy that allows for better drainage of fluids inside the eye, or eye surgery to create a new drainage canal. Glaucoma doesn’t have to interfere with leading a happy, sighted and fulfilling life. So if you or a loved one is not getting regular eye exams, just remember that a simple, quick and painless office test can save your eye sight!
It’s so important to not only have your own eyes checked regularly if you are at risk, but also encourage your parents, friends and loved ones to do the same. To see if you, a loved one or a friend, is eligible to receive a referral for a FREE eye exam and care, or to request free eye care information, call 1-800-391-EYES (3937), 24 hours a day, every day, year round. All eligible callers receive a referral to one of EyeCare America’s 7,000 volunteer ophthalmologists.
Don’t lose the gift of sight, schedule an eye exam with your health care provider or, if uninsured and qualified, through EyeCare America today.
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Here’s an additional video I found online as well…