Are They Hebrews Or Negroes? Documentary Filmmaker Says He Has The Answer
PLEASE NOTE: I am not personally endorsing Yahya Bandele’s teachings or his documentary. I just want to present his point of view here to provoke further thought on the subject. If you have heard of Yahya Bandele prior to now, I would love you to share your thoughts.
Dec 18, 2009 – Yahya Bandele doesn’t shout through a bullhorn on busy urban street corners. Nor, does he hurl insults at white passersby who have been taught all their lives of a white Christ. Though an imposing figure at 6′ 3″ and over 300 pounds, Bandele is a gentle giant. He has spent almost all of his waking moments since 2006 putting together a documentary that has turned Christianity on its ear. Yahya Bandele whose name means “YAH’s [God’s] gift born away from home”, has published a DVD entitled, Hebrew or the So-Called Negro?
This groundbreaking DVD answers the question, who are these people called Negroes in the Americas. And it examines whether these people are actually the descendants of the lost tribes of Israel. Ironically, this DVD is one of the most popular items listed on in of all categories–Judaism.
This DVD lays out the evidence that the so-called Negroes are the lost children of Israel proclaimed in the Bible. Says Bandele, its author, “We are living in the last days of mankind as we know it. This land we call America is in the eye of the hurricane for it is also the creator of this storm. The soul of the so-called Negro lays buried in the grave of ignorance and is void of the truth of Yah’s [the Creator] word.”
Born Mark Copeland and once a sought after collegiate football star, Copeland passed up a promising football career to become a Baptist preacher. Unfulfilled because of all the religious hypocrisy he witnessed firsthand by fellow ministers of the faith, Copeland wrote and published a book in 2002 called The Prostitute in the Pulpit. After writing that book, Copeland vowed to never again set foot in a Christian Church and instead pursued his faith on his own. It was then that Copeland had what he calls his Damascus Road experience. The Creator gave him a new name and showed him that he and the people who looked liked him were the “Children of the Book”. Yahya Bandele was then given a new mission by the Creator–to bring the knowledge of the truth to the so-called Negro first and then to the world.
According to Bandele, “We have embraced a world that has embraced demons and the doctrines of demons. And unless we are able to see this truth, the world is doomed.” The Hebrew or So-called Negro DVD has generated much light and much heat for it tackles very controversial subject matter. But it does so in a very spirited yet scientific way. This DVD examines in a very systematic way the historical and prophetic linkage of the so-called Negro with the lost children of Israel as declared in the Scriptures.
Unlike many Black Hebrew groups around the country, Bandele and his network of believers, called COFAH, ( preach love and truth. Bandele himself is amused by the “angry Black Hebrews” who cast aspersions on others and seem to advocate violence. Bandele calls them “angry, rebellious brothers, lacking in the knowledge and love of the Father through our MessiYah.”
Hebrew or the So-Called Negro is a must-see for anyone interested in exploring the scriptures from a different point of view. Bandele dares anyone to view this DVD and still feel the same way about Christianity. Hebrew or the So-Called Negro is available on Bandele also does a weekly online radio show on Blog-Talk Radio that discusses America and the so-called Negro in prophecy.
Contact him now for his prophecy concerning President Barack Obama.
(source: PR Log)
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