2009 World AIDS Day: video and resources
In honor of World AIDS Day, I have posted several videos as well as a wealth of resources, at the end of this post, with links to articles/news about HIV/AIDS on this blog as well as organizations and news from around the globe.
Whether or not you wear a red ribbon, do something as simple as joining a Facebook group focused on HIV/AIDS awareness and prevention. The more we raise awareness on HIV and AIDS the greater our chances are for ending this worldwide epidemic.
Commercial to promote World Aids Day.
Black AIDS Institute: We Are Greater Than One
Greater Than from Greater Than on Vimeo.
Prime Minister Gordon Brown delivers a message of support for World AIDS Day 2009.
The miraculous power of AIDS medicine to give people the opportunity of a future where once there was no hope. (RED)
Share your stories, events, resources by commenting on this post. The further we reach out to our brothers and sisters around the world, the stronger our fight to bring an end to the spread of HIV/AIDS.
Related Links here within affrodite.net
affrodite.net– In memorian. World AIDS Day 2008
affrodite.net– 2008 World AIDS Day. Challenging the African American community to do something
affrodite.net– Alicia Keys’ HIV/AIDS work in Africa via Keep A Child Alive
affrodite.net– June 27, 3009 Kicks off Black AIDS Institute’s Test 1 Million Campaign
affrodite.net– February 7 is National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
affrodite.net- How CDC underdevelops HIV Prevention in Black America
affrodite.net– Black AIDS Project: Africa. Healty Black Communities expands its reach to 5 countries
JENESIS Magazine (my article)- “Exceeding an epidemic” about AIDS epidemic in DC and effect on black community
Other Related Links and Resources
World AIDS Day (official website)- www.worldaidsday.org
Facebook (friend page)- nationalaidstrust
Twitter– NATWorldAIDSDay
YouTube– NationalAIDSTrust
The Daily Voice– Alicia Keys holds YouTube concert for World AIDS Day
Nappy Headed Black Child– Today is World AIDS Day
Black AIDS Institute– www.blackaids.org
National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day– www.blackaidsday.org
Facebook– National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
Myspace– www.myspace.com/blackaidsday
Twitter– blackaidsday
We Are Greater Than AIDS additional video- www.greaterthan.org/real-talk
JoinRED (fight AIDS in Africa)- www.joinred.com
Facebook– JoinRED
Twitter– joinred
YouTube– joinred
World AIDS Campaign– www.worldaidscampaign.org
United Nations Program on AIDS (UNAIDS)– www.unaids.org
Facebook– UNAIDS World AIDS Day
Twitter– unaids
YouTube– unaids