NBC Nightly News “Celebrities Making A Difference”: Halle Berry (video and commentary)
(Thursday, November 12, 2009) NBC Nightly News “Celebrities Making a Difference” special week long series. Halle Berry shares her dedication to working with domestic violence survivors with NBC’s Natalie Morales.

Karen Earl, Director of Jenesse Center poses with Halle Berry, Ambassador for Jenesse Center (David Livingston / Getty Images)
Halle Berry is no stranger to domestic violence having grown up in a household where her own mother was a victim of domestic violence. During the interview, she shares that even some of her own dating relationships in the past became at risk of repeating the same pattern from her mother, but she was able to recognize the early warning signs and end those relationships. Over the past 10 years, Halle has been working very closely with the Jenesse Center in Los Angeles, serves as the Ambassador, and provides both financial and hands-on support. The Jenesse Center has grown to 6 different shelters in the Los Angeles area for over 8000 battered women a year and their children who need a safe place to stay and assistance dealing with the emotional trauma, legal aspects, and vocational assistance.
NOTE: If the links do not work, go to the Making a Difference website and you’ll find links to each celebrity about 2/3 down the page under a heading “Celebrities Making A Difference.”
Halle Berry ‘helping women turn lives around’
Halle Berry ‘Jenessee Center Director: Berry leads by example’
Halle Berry ‘Abuse survivor: Halle treated me with respect’
Halle Berry ‘Halle Berry on abuse: I know what it’s like’
My Reaction…
I’m watching this series in order as I write, so I haven’t seen Tim McGraw’s feature yet, but I have been most impressed by Halle Berry’s involvement. I can only imagine that there was a similar sentiment when recording her interview because there is more video footage available online than the others. I say that not to diminish the work of other celebrities featured but to applaud Halle Berry. To hear that she is willing to roll up her sleeves and stuff envelopes and get to know the women and children at the shelter is truly inspiring. At the same time, she’s used her celebrity status to rally support financially for Jenesse Center even starting an annual golf event and fundraiser. Additionally, I liked that Jenessee Center offers unconditional assistance to women who may decide to leave before completing the program but then return at a different time. I was also impressed by the director of Jenesse Center Karen Earl particularly her drive to make the facility the best it can be.
It was interesting that they touched upon the fact that domestic violence was not about class, briefly highlighting Rihanna and Chris Brown as an example. I think Natalie Morales did a fantastic job with this interview. After seeing this, I am adding Jenesse Center to my personal list of organizations to support financially. I don’t take that notion lightly, but I was really touched by Halle Berry’s work and the Jenesse Center as a whole. I have listed some specific pages on the Jenesse Center website, but I encourage you to surf around to read about various events, volunteer, and sponsorship opportunities.
Related Links
affrodite.net– Celebrities Making A Difference (blog posts on entire series)
affrodite.net– Jenesse Center Announces 2010 Silver Rose Weekend Organization to Celebrate 30 Years of Service (press release)
NBC Nightly News website– Making a Difference
Jenesse Center website- www.jenesse.org
Jenesse Center- Wish List of Items Needed at the Shelters
Facebook fan page– Jenesse Center, Inc.
YouTube– JenesseCenter
WNBA: LA Sparks– Sparks partner with Jenesse Center and Home Sweet Home
From YouTube
The Jenesse Center was the official charity of this year’s 2009 Los Angeles Marathon. Check out the promotional video below…
The Silver Rose Weekend is three days of exciting events that raise support and awareness for the programs and services provided by Jenesse Center. There will be a VIP Reception on Saturday, April 17, 2010 (location TBA), an Awards Gala and Auction on Sunday, April 18, 2010, 12noon at the Beverly Hills Hotel and the Halle Berry Celebrity Golf Classic on Monday, April 19, 2010 at the Wilshire Country Club.
This is a little dated but still helpful to watch.
Information about Halle Berry’s Celebrity Golf Classic benefiting Jenesse Center, Inc.