Sprite Step Off national step competition also promotes community service
Sprite Step Off is the largest national step competition EVER – with 30 events in over 20 cities, teams from all across the country can compete in Sprite Step Off for a share of $1.5 million prize pool.
Competing teams will also donate over 1 million hours of community service over the course of the competition, working alongside the national Sprite Step Off Service Challenge (http://bit.ly/SSOSRV). The SSOSC is a collaboration between the National Pan-Hellenic Council and The Boys and Girls Club of America to help spark community service amongst youth across the country. And since Greeks are ambassadors for attending college (by virtue of the requirements for their membership), Sprite Step Off can be a vehicle to inspire young people to pursue higher education.
Here is a photo from a recent service activity – Sprite donated $4,500 to Columbia, Missouri’s Boys and Girls Club:
Here is one of our Essence of Step videos – this chapter focuses on the Greek lifestyle and how they use stepping and their influence to impact and elevate the community:
The McDonald’s Flavor Battle with the hottest DJs will also be going down at all of the events as well as music performances from major artists (Keri Hilson, Estelle, Wale, Lupe Fiasco, Soulja Boy, Big Boi, Nas and Monica have already hit the stage at previous events) — so it’s definitely a worthwhile all-around entertaining experience with something for everyone.
Go to spritestepoff.com to get more info and purchase tickets in advance – and to check out the full event schedule to see where SSO is going next.
Follow us and hit us up @SpriteStepOff on Twitter for updates…
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