Gone too son: RIP Derrion Albert

Nadashia Thomas, 6, a cousin of Derrion Albert, holds a sign beside a poster of Derrion Albert at Fenger High School in Chicago, Sept. 28, 2009. A vigil for Derrion Albert was planned outside of Fenger High School. (AP Photo/Nam Y. Huh)
I’m so sad for Derrion Albert and all the Derrion Alberts out there across America whose story didn’t make headlines. Absolutely barbaric behavior. The violence MUST stop!!!
Hundreds of mourners crowded a church on Chicago’s South Side to remember 16-year-old Derrion Albert, who was beaten to death on his way home from school. (Oct. 3) source: Associated Press
Copy of video taken showing teens beating Derrion to death. In this version, his body is blurred but it still may be too graphic for some of you to watch.