Black Film Producer & Promoter Ralph Scott on “Inside Urban Hollywood” on Monday June 22nd at 6pm PST/9pm EST
Black film producer & promoter Ralph Scott will appear on the June 22nd edition of “Inside Urban Hollywood” with host Tanya Kersey and co-host Tiffini Bowers to talk about opportunities for independent black filmmakers from the perspective of a veteran promoter of black film. Scott is the Executive Producer of BET J’s “The Best Shorts & Black Stories.” He is also the Co-Founder and Program Director of Black Hollywood Education and Resource Center also, Co-Founder of – Visual AIDS: A cinematic look at the HIV/AIDS epidemic; and now Executive Producer of “Lens on Talent: A Filmmakers Challenge” along with “Black Stories” a documentary showcase both in fourth third year of production for BET and BETJ soon to be Centric. The show will stream live from the home page at on Monday, May 18th at 6pm PST/9pm EST. Listeners can call-in and ask questions to 646-200-3290.
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