Michael Vick…
I feel my post title needs no more words. Every time Michael Vick‘s name comes up, people go into autopilot with their rant about what they think of him and how cruel and inhumane he is. I can’t even bring the topic up in the house because my husband, a die-hard sports fanatic, is so disgusted with the way Michael Vick is being treated. For me, I’m not a sports fan but a social critic so I wasn’t initially inclined to write about Michael Vick. I am now because I feel he deserves more press presenting a different point of view.
I own a dog that I love dearly and would never want him to be hurt by anyone or anything, and to be honest, until I looked at some images of the aftermath of dog fighting it didn’t it didn’t hit home- hence why I put an image before you as well. It is a cruel practice, but not exclusive to Michael Vick nor other cruel practices and acts that happen right here within our borders every day. So while this image disgusts me, I am willing to put things back into perspective.
Secondly, and more importantly, Michael Vick has served his time. I write about stories all the time where people get away with murder, literally and metaphorically, of human beings which I think rank higher in the world of crime than animals. He did not murder a person, but yes, he essentially murdered countless dogs. It is admittedly a tough discussion to have with yourself, let alone with others. People, give this man a break! Let him go back and play football. Clap when he enters the field the first time as a show of respect and support that he has done the crime and served his time. Too many of you are walking around like hypocrites. The graphic nature of this crime coupled with the black man persona, hold up I’m about to get to that, makes good finger pointing TV.

(AP Photo/Gerald Herbert)
Thirdly, Michael Vick is a big, black, scary, evil man. That’s right. I said it. That’s what so many of you are thinking if you’re honest with yourself. Boy, I wish “The Boondocks” was still airing because I know Aaron McGruder would have a field day with this story. Ask yourself honestly, would you feel as strongly if Michael Vick was an all American white guy? The minute we take 2 steps forward, I feel like we then take 3 steps back. Obama brought about change at historical proportions here in the US. A black man as president of the United States, and he’s smooth, intelligent, articulate like more African Americans in the country than people care to recognize; but, he’s not that big, dark skinned, scary black guy that people insert when they see Michael Vick. Are you following me?
I’m probably catch hell from you PETA types after posting this video I received via email yesterday, but I’m posting it anyway. We all need to lighten up a little and let Michael Vick atone for his actions and make his way back into his love of football and resume his life as a better man. Sure, for good PR, he should do some PSAs about animal cruelty. I figure that will come without asking.
Landline TV has put together a sketch that’s on YouTube called “Michael Vick’s PETA Commercial” and stars Justin Brown, Zach Woods, and Jared Neumark. Thanks to Landline TV for sending this my way.
On a serious note, I just ran across this article in the NY Daily News…
Before I go, I ran across this video on NFL.com. It was posted in 2008 but I still think it’s an interesting timeline of Michael Vick’s life. Since I can’t embed the video, click the link below…
We’ll just wait and see where things go from here and if NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell gives Michael Vick a second chance.