Columbus, OH- Writing Wrongs Open Mic Poetry. Tuesday nights at Urban Spirit Coffee Shop.
Last week is the first time I’ve attending any kind of poetry open mic in years. Granted, I’ve been blessed and/or spoiled (depending on how you look at it) to have experienced open mic poetry slams in NYC . It was fantastic to be there during the era when Stacyanne Chin would flow through and do her set. At the same time, it was enough to leave me intimidated about my poetry skills despite the extremely supportive crowds.
I have to say that I enjoyed myself at the Writing Wrongs Open Mic Poetry night. It was one of the few times since moving to Columbus that I felt in my element. I often describe myself as a mid-Atlantic transplant to the midwest, and making the adjustment from big cities and diversity to not so much has been challenging to say the least. You just have to work harder. So, I try to make a point of writing posts when I run into spots like this so that others in my shoes may benefit.
The night I attended started out with a general open mic poetry segment where people signed up to share original or written poetry of any genre (I could see myself doing that sometime). The second half was dedicated to a haiku poetry competition. I’ve never seen people compete with haiku, but I can say it was extremely entertaining. So much can be said in so few words which left me and the rest of the onlookers laughing hysterically at times. I did not stay until the end of the competition, so I can’t update you on who won (you can probably check out their Yahoo group for more info).
Also, Urban Spirit Coffee House is a really neat spot. Check out their website: Nice artsy vibe and free wifi. I need to spend some time over there during the day just to enjoy the coffee shop. The open mic occurs upstairs in the loft area (which would make a neat spot to host a little soiree by the way).
Here are the details for the open mic
Writing Wrongs Poetry Slam
Tuesday nights 8-11pm
Urban Spirit Coffee House
893 E. Long Street
Columbus, OH 43203
Yes, they do have a running competition to become part of their poetry slam team that competes nationally.
I don’t think there’s a website, but there is a Yahoo group for Writing Wrongs:
Do you know of any other open mic poetry nights in Columbus, OH?
Share them in the comments section.
Want to advertise about open mic poetry night in your city (anywhere in the world)?
Feel free to comment with details here, too.
The louderARTS Project
The open mic in NYC that I used to attend regularly is louderARTS. They, too, have a Yahoo group: There is also a website: