CNN Money article on iPhone vs Storm
I’ve tried out the old and new iPhones but opted for the LG Dare to keep my service with Verizon. Prior to that I had the Motorolla Q. The Q was great in concept but steps 15-20 years backwards (slight exaggeration, but very slight) when it came to battery life. I had to charge it at least once a day and eventually some of the keys on the keyboard wouldn’t work. Mind you that was my 4th Motorlla Q. For one defect or another, I had to trade in 3 of them wthin the first month of buying it. At the time, it still was the closest thing to what I wanted.
Now life is getting better. Who was like me that bought the Moto Q or something similar and then found you had no reception where you needed it like at work? My LG Dare doesn’t have those issues and I charge the battery like once a week which was something I was giddy with joy to have again.
At the time I bought my Dare the iPhone had been all the rage and I don’t LG could really compete. True to Apple’s position as the king of cool and user friendly gadgets, who wasn’t lured in by those commercials? Even still, those I know who bought the first generation iPhone did not find it as cool as it was cracked up to be. The ability to hone in on the 3G network was often difficult. The new iPhone seems to have fixed most of those defects and has a lighter, slim design.
The Blackberry was the Pioneer of phone meets Palm Pilot (or what the world had begun calling smartphones). Big and clutsy, this gigantic piece of technology turned my husband and so many others into “crackberry” addicts. So much so, that I refused to buy one. Lo and behold BlackBerry is back in the game and likely to land on top with the Storm. I have a coworker with one and they have totally worked out the touch screen piece which is a pain in the arse to any of us who have phones with touch screen capabilities. As a female with smaller fingers and my nails as a backup, I can’t imagine how guys aren’t constantly backspacing on these other touch screen phnes. On the Storm, you can actually feel yourself typing not that “Wii” style vibrate at least I know I have on my LG Dare.
I just ran across this article when logging into WordPress this morning as was pleased to see that my suspicions are correct. BlackBerry is back in the game and winning with the BlackBerry Storm.
Check the article out…– iPhone vs. Storm: The ball is back in BlackBerry’s court
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