2008 Presidential Election Commemorated via Cabbage Patch Kids
These are a must have for my quirky doll collection!!! I was over at djT.elle.is.kind.of.dope ‘s blog reading about it and had to throw a post up here.
Here’s an excerpt from the eBay INsider blog…
posted October 27, 2008 — It has been a month in the making and it was so hard to keep it a secret! Finally, I can show you the most fabulous Cabbage Patch Kids this side of the Beltway, the ultra exclusive, only available on eBay, Presidential dolls. Now you can take John, Barack, Joe, or Sarah home. In a few days you will have the opportunity to bid on these one-of-a-kind dolls on eBay and truly own a piece of pop culture history…
My first thought looking at all of the dolls was that I wanted Sarah Palin. Apparently, I’m not the only one because she’s going for the highest bid now. Read more at LA Times blogs from 11/3/08.
Backseatcuddler.com explains…
The dolls will be featured in an eBay auction benefiting the US Marine Corps’ Toys for Tots program. The auction will also include “6 limited edition 25th anniversary dolls identical to those Cabbage Patch Kids first created in 1983.”
I don’t know if there are any more on auction, but I’m sure they’ll go for an even prettier penny now that the election is over.