What would Miss Piggy say?
I feel like I’m at an NBA basketball game when the monitor starts flashing stuff like “Stand On Your Feet!”, “Make Some Noise!”, “Rise Up!”.
Or in Mystikal’s song “Bouncing Back (Bumping Me Against The Wall)”
You keep bumping me against the wall
Yeah I know I let you slide before
But until you seen me…trust me You ain’t seen bouncin’ back!
Obama, don’t let them nail you with that “lipstick on a pig” comment. I’m just waiting for your great comeback. The one that will renew the faith of any Doubting Thomases (adding link because i am often reminded by my hubby that sometimes i use phrases that are unfamiliar to some) out there.
I ran across this post this morning that I thought was a good read.
from blog The Real Barack Obama , article BATCHELOR: “LIPSTICK” (UPDATED)
Damnit! Obama, you betta…
enuff said.