We barely mourned Katrina and now NOL braces for Gustav
Talk to me local gulf region folks. What’s it like down there?
With the current political climate, everyone wants to be the hero, so I can only hope and pray that if Gustav hits hard my country will have done ALL it can do and will take an IMMEDIATE call to action in the aftermath.
check one of my favorite sources (fellow blog supporter) for more… NEW ORLEANS LADDER
Man! I’m going to run late to work as I dress and am glued to CNN. McCain is speaking now. What a great opportunity for him to showcase himself. He is doing the right thing. I only hope that we also get to hear from Obama today as well.
What I’m most worried about is the mental health of so many victims from just 3 years ago, almost to the very day. Just imagine what that triggers for the young children, even ones who are in other parts of the country and the world who witnessed it on television and may not have completely sorted out what Mother Nature’s fury can and has done not only in the US, but all over the world.
Remember all the reports with images like the one below? (source: People mag from 2005)
and all of the faces we watched with hope and despair…
I’m not trying to exploit these photos nor sensationalize, but I want you to reflect and think about the impact. Sometimes for us, it takes that “in your face” imagery to get us to really register what’s going on.
Hopefully, Gustav comes in and leaves like a lamb as it approaches the gulf region.
p.s. I’m sooooo glad that everyone is able to take their pets with them as they evacuate. I can’t imagine what I would do if I were ever forced to leave my doggie behind presented with an urgent situation. He’s my baby, a part of my family, and I know all animal lovers completely recognize what a wonderful comfort they are during good and bad times.