Surprise out and about run in with former stylist Mr. Greek- the formal breakup
…and yes, I had to tell him that we were divorced.
I’ve been meaning to write this down for a few weeks now because it has been that long. I was out at one of my fav bars on one of my fav nights when lo and behold, Mr. Greek comes in (alone) and sits at the bar. Well, I wanted to at least say hello, so I stopped over. He was all smiles and hugs…then he looked at me and noticed my hair was different. I told him that I’m seeing a new stylist now and explained all the reasons why stopped going to him. I ended with one of those “we can still be friends” kind of lines which I really mean (and I’m thinking many people mean that when they say it, but it’s just so cliche).
Without boring you with the details, he was basically whining and excuses and all about zero accountability. Everything I offered as an explanation he had an excuse or some equivalent counter.
At the last gallery hop he did ask me last minute if I’d participate in a photo shoot with my dog Happy for a theme they were doing for the night. That was before he knew the ‘love affair’ was over. I’m guessing that offer won’t come my way again…at least from him.
He was apparently waiting for a friend, but moments after I talked to him, he left the bar. I guess I was a buzzkill.