Herschel Walker’s book “Breaking Free”…life with mental illness
Herschel Walker has been in the press quite a bit lately in light of his new book, “Breaking Free”, and disclosing the fact that he has dissociative identity disorder (AKA multiple personality disorder). I’m attaching the NY Times article about him which includes that his announcement has been greeted with both praise and ridicule.
What are your thoughts? I am changing my position, since my original post, and choosing to support him until otherwise proven. As I reflected, I realized that Herschel is taking a giant step by going public with his personal struggles. In the meantime, I’ll be holding out until August when the book is released and also his likely appearance on Oprah (if that hasn’t happened already).
Check out the NY Times article. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/04/20/sports/football/20walker.html?ref=football
Know what your peeps are saying. Here’s some links to AfrAm-centric blogs on the topic.