Should I be bitter?
Poor Obama can’t catch a break anywhere…That’s what you get when you try to break into the largest old boys network…The White House. Take your licks like a good boy and hope that Black America won’t hang you on a cross like Jesus after all is said and done…Meanwhile, tell Hillary all that glitters ain’t gold. If she manages to win the democratic nomination, the repubs will be all over her like Monica was on her husband’s magic stick (ooh! no she didn’t!).
While Obama gets chastised about the use of the word “bitter”, I was wondering about the same word in a totally different situation (how’s that for a clumsy segue?)…
I randomly got copied on some email from the breeder of the doggie I bought. She was replying to someone who was questioning her decision to name one of her dogs “Sambo”. She said it was an affectionate term and not intended to be racist. All the while, the message is not to me or for me, I’m just copied on her reply.
What the hell? Why is she even copying me? I bought my dog almost 2 yrs ago. Granted she’s a little (ok a LOT) whacko, but what can I expect from someone that breeds really tiny dogs for a living in some tiny remote town in Ohio?
Did she want me to weigh in on her situation? I have enough unsolicited drama dropped in my lap on the regular and have no interest in joining hers.
I’m even conflicted now if I should ever recommend her business or if I should ever consider getting another dog from her.
What do you think about this whole scenario?