Our new Miss USA is a sista!
I caught a glimpse of the last couple of seconds of the Miss USA pageant last night. Just enough to see the winner was black and catch moment where she does the pageant shocked face look.
Crystle Stewart (another “negrotization” of a name…lovin’ it!), I extend my congratulations and hope you find a cure for cancer and of course…world peace! Jus’ kiddin’. All jokes aside, it is nice to see some brown win. I’m clicking around the missusa.com site and Crystle’s page includes quite the racy photo. Don’t even try to tell me this is a high fashion shot. It’s a little borderline to me. She looks like one of those Victoria’s Secret models gone wild and not a Miss USA contestant. I guess the pageant really is trying to take on a new edgy appearance for real.
Ms. Stewart completed her degree in Consumer Science and Merchandising at the University of Houston. She founded and runs her business “Inside/Out” which aids young women in building self-esteem and volunteers with many organizations in the community. She won a silver medal in the relay at Jr. Olympics and is a fourth generation educator. (source: http://www.missusa.com/missusa/index.html)
What the hell is “in the relay at Jr. Olympics”? Have you ever heard of a track and field event called “the relay”? I hope that’s not a subliminal racist moment. Can’t you picture some snobby old white lady in lots of jewelry and huge reading glasses saying, “You know how the negroes run the relay. They’re so good at sports.” And why does America care? She’s 26 years old. Jr. Olympics is something you do through high school. I hope she doesn’t have to dig that deep to fill up her resume.
Ok, I was hoping to be positive and celebrate a black Miss USA, but I can’t stop drinking from the hatorade fountain and resisting my gag reflex that comes with talking about pageants.
Go Crystle! Yeah you! Is that better?
This pageant will get my attention when a beautiful, dark skinned, weave-free, nappy headed sista who has all the accolades to boot wins…hell, I’ll even settle for a runner up. i’m reading this is the 2nd black Miss USA in a row, but wasn’t there some scandal with the originally crowned Miss USA last year?
Ok, I need a power nap before working my insane schedule.