Marion to blame for stripping of 4×400 and 4×100 Olympic medals
Do you think this is fair? Everyone on the 4×400 and 4×100 relay teams were stripped of their Olympic gold and bronze medals won in 2000. I have to say Marion Jones just broke my heart when I heard her admission to steroids use last year after all that speculation. She pulled a Bill Clinton on us. We loved her, and she essentially sipped that Coca-Cola can like Bill Clinton did during those impeachment hearings and wooed us into believing her.
Now Jearl-Miles Clark, Monique Hennagan, LaTasha Colander-Richardson, and Andrea Anderson from the 4×400 relay as well as Chryste Gaines, Torri Edwards, Nanceen Perry, and Passion Richardson (black folks…gotta love our creative genius when it comes to names…) from the 4×100 relay are all being ordered to return their medals. As expected, the girls are fighting back, but I’m not sure they have a case. I guess this also includes
Technically, I think this is fair. I’ve played sports most of my life and I understand that those women are pissed off at the outcome, but think of the others who lost their dream because someone broke the rules. It pains me personally, as a gal with Guyanese roots, to let the Jamaicans take the gold in the 4×400 (ya, i said it…what!) and…eh…the French get the bronze in the 4×100 which is neither here nor there for me.
My goodness! The hours of tireless training these women spent to be at the top of your game. Their thrill of victory is now yanked and replaced with the agony of defeat. Marion Jones better not drop the soap in prison or be caught in a dark alley when she gets out, cuz I know there’s gotta be a hit out on her ass.
read more about it here:
…Before I go, what was up with that ass backwards torch carrying in Cali yesterday? I get why it happened, to some degree (I need to read up on the latest), but it was painful watching the media anchors stumble for words and cameras set along the parade route not taken.
I say “ass” a lot in this post…oh well…ASS! Aaaah! That’s better. It’s out of my system.