Stuff My Husband Thinks Ghetto Black People Like
My stupid husband doesn’t get this blog thing and has insisted that I post this for your amusement. Feel free NOT to land here and NOT to comment because the last thing he needs is a reason for him to get a bigger ego. He is literally on the couch cracking himself up right now as he rattles off this retarded list.
Stuff My Husband Thinks Ghetto Black People Like
1. Being in school for more than 6 yrs
2. Alize
3. Mambo Sauce (ya, i originally spelled it mumbo…it’s all the same to me)
4. Baby Names with more than 11 letters
5. Naming their kids after cars
6. Beads in their hair
7. Now Laters
9. Boston Baked Beans (apparently i can’t count to ten…those fancy MD suburb schools i attended)
10. Lemon Heads
11. Spades
12. Tootsie Roll Pops
13. Free daycare
14. Similac
15. Gold Teeth
16. Doo rags
17. Money or Food Stamps
18. Lawry’s Season Salt
He says his creativity is full now so I can go ahead and post now. Lawd, help me! He keeps yelling over at me making sure that I don’t correct his English.
Update3/26: * NEW ONES * …ya, you fools are commenting, and now that he has your attention, his inspiration is miraculously reappearing.
19. Restraining orders against at least 1 family member
20. Baltimore (that was a direct stab at me, don’t worry…I’ll get him back)