Obama is taking us to the mountaintop on the subject of Race…(updated)
…and he has seen the glory of the coming of the Lord! Watch out folks! Obama’s still got it.
Go watch or read his speech given in Philadelphia. I’m still waking my brain up, but I promise to post my reaction. Thanks, Aisha, for keeping me in the know. In the meantime, if you have any thoughts of your own, please share.
A. I had this brilliant post and then my computer just cut off and I lost it. I’m so mad because you can’t recreate creativity. It’s an oxymoron.
B. I still felt compelled to say something because I was so moved after hearing Obama’s speech.
Here we go…
This was another brilliant Obama moment. Everyone seems to share a particular speech of Obama’s that sealed the deal regarding their support or feelings about him. This speech did that for me today. Admittedly, I have kind of sat on the sidelines stunned but intrigued by this guy. I kept wanting to know “what’s the catch?” or as “Making the Band” legendary choreographer Laurie Ann Gibson would say…the “gotcha gotcha!” (Damn Diddy for kicking her to the curb, but I honestly don’t know exactly how all the drams went down other than what I saw on tv) Living in this country will do that to you. Don’t get me wrong, I was cheering for him, but from a distance. Today, he reeled me in, front and center, to his message, his purpose. Today was my Obaptism*.
Keep the comments coming. I want to know your reactions to Barack’s speech today on the subject of race. This very well could end up as the 21st century version of Martin Luther King’s I Have Been to the Mountaintop speech. I say that with with some reservation because that was MLK’s famous last words and I, no manner shape or form, want to insinuate that Obama is a martyr. Barack, rather, is walking us through history, shedding one of those ultraviolet lights to pick up the uglies of our present, and inviting us to shape our future.
The answer is not in party lines. It’s in doing what’s right for America, people.
For those of you who want to brush up on MLK’s I’ve Been to the Mountaintop speech can click here:
or here: http://publicradio.org/tools/media/player/americanradioworks/features/sayitplain/mlking
The site American Rhetoric was an interesting find of mine today in general. Click below for the homepage. I think I’ll add it to my links as well since it’s a good reference.
*…btw…just remember, you heard me say Obaptism here first