Did your mom let you play with white dolls or Barbies? – post 2
I found it! YouTube is the best thing ever! This is exactly what motivated me to start this blog and this topic. I know this is a little old, but it’s worth another viewing, or for those of you who haven’t seen it, definitely check it out. There are 2 clips below from high schooler Kiri Davis who did a remake of the 1940s and 50s study called “The Doll Test.” The test was originally conducted by Dr. Kenneth Clark and his wife Dr. Mamie Clark to demonstrate the affects of segregation in the time of Brown vs. the Board of Education. You may read more details on this site: http://www.loc.gov/exhibits/brown/brown-brown.html
Additional reads may be checked out below:
Daily Kos article: http://www.dailykos.com/story/2006/8/8/125223/2445
Angry Brown Butch’s website: http://www.angrybrownbutch.com/category/film/
Psychology Matters: http://www.psychologymatters.org/clark.html
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Below are Kiri Davis’s films…
Kiri Davis’s film “A Girl Like Me”
Kiri Davis’s Follow Up to filme