BET Muzzles the Boondocks
I’ve been wanting to love this show, but it has as many brilliant moments as not so brilliant moments. My friend, The Falster, and I were talking recently and sharing the same sentiment. She wasn’t happy with the more recent emphasis on Riley and less on Huey. Don’t get me wrong, Riley is funny as hell, but you need Huey to supply the “wake up people” moments.
I try to be a dedicated fan, especially since Aaron McGruder has ties to my suburban hometown, but some episodes are hard to get through. Lately, they haven’t been airing much new stuff either. I’m starting to wonder if Aaron is getting the same flavor of pressure that Dave Chapelle got, and I’m just waiting for the mysterious disappearance. If we’re not dancin or thuggin or playin “approved” sports we can’t hold an audience.
It appears there’s some censorship issues regarding a few episodes of the Boondocks and BET is in the mix. Damn BET! You need your feathers ruffled until you get what your broader black audience wants or you just go off the air altogether. We have enough of what you offer through other channels like CW and even MTV. Dear BET execs, laugh a little, and stop worrying about your image because it’s already tarnished. I invite you to invite me to a focus group. I will let you know what you need to get on the right track. Holla at your girl Affrodite!
Here’s a link to more info
This is old news but still an interesting read regarding Al Sharpton’s displeasure with the MLK episode a few seasons back and MLK’s use of the n* word