Netflix Sleeper Pick: "Dirty Laundry" …a worthy rental
UPDATE 5/2/08: I just ran into an article about this film, on “AIDS: 25 Years and Counting” blog, and thought I’d update this post with a link.
A. What hell is up with my page today? My widget bar thingy is at the bottom of the page. Come on WordPress People! Don’t hide behind one of those sayings like you get what you pay for! I like free shit that works all the time.
UPDATE 3/7: I told myself “to hell with that theme” and picked another one. This one’s more generic but it works for me.
B. Now onto my post…
So, I joined Netflix after visiting with some of my girl homies in NC. It was really motivated by a way to stay connected to them than anything else. After all, my hubby has just about every cable channel known to mankind, so I shouldn’t be missing out on anything…but I am.
I’m the type that likes those off the beaten path type flicks. Mainstream Hollywood does not hold my attention. I love documentaries, Indy flicks, stuff like that.
As I surfed Netflix a few weeks ago, I ran across a movie called “Dirty Laundry” (you know when those pop up windows keep suggesting movies based on things you click) and the story seemed interesting.
Talented, gay and African-American, Patrick (Rockmond Dunbar) is a rising journalist at a New York City magazine who suddenly must confront his Southern roots and a mother not yet comfortable with her son’s choices and sexual identity. Patrick and his partner’s perfectly cosmopolitan world is shattered when an unexpected knock at their door brings to the forefront the issue of lifestyle acceptance within the down-home community of his youth. (source: Netflix)
In my queue it went and showed up at my doorstep on Thursday. Netflix is my weekly ritual “me time” during my days off. The way it’s supposed to work is that Netflix day is usually on Tuesday or Wednesday when I’m recovering from my extreme 3 days of night shift. I curl up on the couch during the afternoon, maybe sip some tea, snuggle with my doggie, and I’m happy as a Mexican jumping bean (Remember those? I used to get them when visiting my grandma in California. I think I used to carry them home on the plane. They’d probably be confiscated if I did that today…shhh! If you’re reading this and work for TSA, don’t turn me in ). Maybe Mexican jumping beans aren’t happy, but you get what I’m sayin’…Can you even buy those things anymore? Who needed Wii when you had Mexican jumping beans.
Anyhooz, today I watched the first 30 minutes or so, then my hubby came home early. He knows the Netflix rule…NO BOYS ALLOWED (basically nobody allowed)…but I could tell this might be one that we could enjoy together so I made an exception and started the movie over.
In short, me really likey! Every now and then I luck upon a flick that is surprisingly good. A sleeper hit of sorts, and this certainly fit the bill. When I noticed the cast of from the pool of black actors that you can count on in current times…folks like Terri Vaughn, Rockmond Dunbar, and Loretta Devine, I knew this had some good potential. It had a Tyler Perry-esque flavor to it with emphasis on the classic southern black family and took place in Georgia (Paris, GA). It was written and directed by Maurice Jamal who also played the character Eugene in the movie.
If you like the movie or series “Soul Food” (even referenced in the flick) and the Tyler Perry series, you’ll probably like this one. I suck at writing movie reviews so I’ll just point you to some websites i googled so you can read more on your own. I did learn it won an American Black Film Festival award back in 2006 when it was released. It hit theaters, allegedly, in December 2007.
Maurice Jamal, I’ve got my eye on you now. Keep up the good work! Affrodite gives “Dirty Laundry” 2 Super Nappy Afro-Puffs up!