Operation Find Fatty Koo: Post 1 (copy)
So on my other blog site, I put this post below which is about the only action that site gets. However, I’m thinking that my nappy community, if anyone, might know the whereabouts of Fatty Koo. At least this audience is likely to have heard of them or the show on BET.
I want them to come over and play pool in my basement (sorry, that’s an inside joke and I’m too embarassed to tell the story). Wikipedia (I guess that’s our current day AskJeeves) says they’re taping for another season and album release in but you know Wikipedia. The FattyKoo.com website hasn’t been updated in ages which leaves me wondering. I signed up as a fan ages ago and never heard anything so I just re-signed up in case they forgot about me.
Here’s what I wrote. More to come… I did allegedly hear from a cousin of Gabrielle’s but no action after that.
So the one morsel of excitement of moving to Columbus, other than getting a geeky job but at a cool fashion spot, was that maybe I could finally find out what happened to Fatty Koo.
For those of you who don’t know, there was a reality show on BET that was actually good and didn’t seem like a cheap knock-off from MTV. It showcased this up and coming (at least I thought they were…BET…figures…) band of young, super talented artists from none other than Columbus, OH or met there or something. I know at least one of them is from here. They met through The John Lennon Educational Tourbus while in Columbus and somehow…one thing led to another…and bladdow!…they had a reality show called “Blowin’ Up: Fatty Koo”.
I fell in love with their stories, their journey, and how super talented they were/are. I must have been 1 of like 10 people who bought the album apparently because they seemed to up and disappear. The album was good especially the song “Chills” that Valure from the group sang…and she can SANG!!! Actually, that’s how me and my one local friend here kind of connected. We were in Toledo (I swore I’d never return to Ohio after a summer in Toledo…serves me right…) on an internship and I think that was one of our early conversations.
Anyhooz, I was all excited to be living here so that I could hunt them down and become a groupie…or something along those lines. No such luck folks! This is harder than looking for the Real World house in Miami (don’t ask…).
Where are you, Fatty Koo? I want you to sign my cd. I totally HEART you, Fatty Koo!!!