You know who you look like…?
Oh, my majority yet rapidly becoming minority population…why do ye forsake thee? The other day, a white girl said “you know who you look like? downtown julie brown!” It was followed by a bunch of obedient nods…whether or not they even knew who she was.
Don’t get me wrong, Downtown Julie Brown is an attractive black woman so that’s very flattering…if I actually looked like her!!!! I realize this is one of those ways that white people try to relate to black people. It’s like they can’t think of anything else to say. I’m a techie so here’s my hypothesis:
When there is a black person in a room full of white people who don’t know the black person well but wants them to feel included, as soon as a well known black person’s name matching the sex of the sole black person in the room is mentioned, at least one white person will respond with “you know, you look like him/her <insert name famous black person>”
In short, I shall call this…
AKA… “The I’m Sorry My Ancestors Enslaved, Raped, bought, and Sold You Reflex”
I am convinced that the correlation is much higher with nappy headed professional black women.
I could go on and on and on and on this subject and get freakishly brainy, too, but I’d like to know if you have any stories to share to support my hypothesis.
In short, I forgive you current population of majority yet rapidly becoming the minority people for ye know not what ye do.
…after all…some of my best friends are white…seriously