Unruly Inspiration
As I surf the net and the facebook group I joined called “natural hair”, I was inspired by the blog entry written on…
Check it out. It doesn’t seem like this site has been updated in years but her July 23, 2006 entry struck a cord with me. It is liberating to go outside when it’s humid or is threatening rain and actually not be worried about it because I’m wearing my hair in a manner that’s consistent with what it wants to do when the moisture comes a knockin’…kink the fuck up. It’s like nature is in harmony and there is no hair product on earth that can help me fake the funk on those days.
For you Baltimore folks who remember the late great Ms. Tony when he was known as Ms. Tony…may his soul rest in peace…that song “Unruly” comes to mind. I’m surfing the net now trying to find it, but I’m not seeing it. What I am experiencing, however, is a pleasant flashback to sitting in my bedroom listening to DJ Frank Skee on V-103 before he left for Atlanta and that station changed ownership + listening audience. B’more folks in their thirty-somethings know what I’m talking about. EA-EA whoo! EA-EA somebody say!…
I digress and now have the urge to groove to www.baltimoreclubtracks.com (thanks to one of my sisters for turning me on to that website). I grew up hating B’more house music but my days at Morgan State forced me to become a believer. It is a right of passage in Baltimore to at least allow yourself to embrace an occasional dose of local house music and also spend an entire night clubbin’ at the Paradox. B’more house is like none other…except maybe Chicago…we used to wonder if there was some direct line between those 2 cities. I guess if I went to Howard, I would have had to embrace go-go music and have made a trip to that club Mirage. Thank my lucky stars that I managed my way out of at least the go-go music fascination, but my husband forced me many a Saturday night to go to the Mirage back in our dating days. I still get a kick out of him falling into the go-go bounce that DC folk do when it comes on. It’s like they’re all possessed.
Talk about hair and DC and Baltimore…oy! Don’t get me started!