About Fathers, Poem “Losing Someone Special”

As I research through various bits of literature, I wanted to present a holistic picture of fathers in honor of this Father’s Day.  Some of us have been blessed with beautiful, meaningful relationships, but there are some of us who haven’t.  Seeing a friend of mine clearly drinking away their pain in association with Father’s Day prompted me to share this poem.  I will post more as I find them that cover the range of emotions that we feel towards our fathers.

Losing Someone Special
a poem by Jayme K. Strain

A lost dog
Wandering the streets
With no direction,
All alone.

Not knowing why
You would run away from your little girl,
Leaving me with no father,
No guidance.

For you, my father,
Who should be here
Teaching me to ride a bike,
And tucking me in at night.

You harmed your body
With hurtful drugs,
Triggering you to commit dangerous actions,
Only causing more pain.

Knowing you won’t ever come back
To see your girl,
All grown up,
Losing all hope.

Learning that you did some right,
Changing your life around,
Just in time for God to say,
‘It is your time.’

Finally realizing where you are,
Looking down from heaven,
As my guardian angel,
Now, showing me the way.

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