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In Defense of Thomas Jefferson debunks Jefferson slave sex scandal

The belief that Thomas Jefferson had an affair and fathered a child (or children) with slave Sally Hemings—and that such an allegation was proven by DNA testing—has become so pervasive in American popular culture that it is not only widely accepted but taught to students as historical fact. But as William G. Hyland, Jr., demonstrates, this “fact” is nothing more than the accumulation of salacious rumors and irresponsible scholarship over the years, much of it inspired by political grudges, academic opportunism, and the trend of historical revisionism that seeks to drag the reputation of the Founding Fathers through the mud. In this startling new book, Hyland shows not only that the evidence against Jefferson is lacking, but in fact he is entirely innocent of the charge of having sexual relations with Hemings.

You know who you look like…?

Oh, my majority yet rapidly becoming minority population…why do ye forsake thee? The other day, a white girl said “you know who you look like? downtown julie brown!” It was followed by a bunch of obedient nods…whether or not they even knew who she was. Don’t get me wrong, Downtown …

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