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Men’s Basketball

What I’m Reading: “A Game of Character” by Craig Robinson

In “A GAME OF CHARACTER: A Family Journey from Chicago’s Southside to the Ivy League and Beyond” (Gotham Books; April 20, 2010; $26), Craig Robinson takes readers behind the scenes to meet his family and the other important influences in his life who have contributed to his success both on and off the basketball court. The result is a stunning tribute to his parents, coaches, and other mentors who have contributed to his ongoing search for what it truly means to have character.

Somebody call a paramedic!!! Morgan St & Coppin St are in the MEAC finals!!!

OMG!!! I am overjoyed to know that Morgan FINALLY has a good enough basketball team. I’m so proud of my alma mater. Coppin, ya’ll have been there done that before, so I’m not caring so much, plus I want Morgan to wax your hot Baltimore asses tonight. Let me tell …

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