Feb 7, 2013: 13th annual National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
Today marks the 13th annual National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (NBHAAD) in the US…This year’s theme is “I Am My Brother’s/Sister’s Keeper: Fight HIV/AIDS”
Today marks the 13th annual National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (NBHAAD) in the US…This year’s theme is “I Am My Brother’s/Sister’s Keeper: Fight HIV/AIDS”
To combat the high toll of HIV and AIDS among black women in the United States, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention today launched Take Charge. Take the Test., a new campaign to increase HIV testing and awareness among African-American women. The campaign – which features advertising, a website and community outreach – is being launched in conjunction with National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day in 10 cities where black women are especially hard-hit by the disease
Videos in honor of 2011 National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
Below is an excerpt from an article written by Naima Morales Cozier, AIDS.gov Training Adviser: The cultural diversity of communities of color is to be celebrated. We have overcome adversity and barriers at every turn with the hope of change. With this same determination, we face the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Communities of color disproportionately account for an alarming number of HIV/AIDS cases…
Vienna, Austria – July 20, 2010 – Today’s announcement about a breakthrough in microbicide development is reason to celebrate. While it is too early to declare mission accomplished– we are still years away from actually having an effective microbicide- a few hugs and kisses with a little patting of the back might very well be called for.
May 18, 2010 will mark HIV Vaccine Awareness Day (HVAD), an annual observance day that recognizes the thousands of volunteers, community leaders, health professionals, and scientists that work to develop a safe and effective preventive HIV vaccine. The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) – the Federal sponsor for HVAD – hopes the day will encourage communities to learn more about HIV vaccine research and support those who are currently volunteering in clinical vaccination trials.
Lionqueen 192 Productions, Inc. and Bleu Life Media today announced the release of the GET DOWN public service announcement and accompanying HIV/AIDS awareness campaign. GET DOWN, written, produced and directed by Kim J. Ford (Lionqueen 192 Productions, Inc.), is an edgy new HIV/AIDS PSA that candidly portrays sexually active youth of various sexual identities who are experimenting with multiple sexual partners and the consequences they deal with as a result. The PSA also features celebrities Dawn Richard (of Dirty Money and formerly of Danity Kane/MTV’s Making The Band), Demarco Majors (formerly LOGO’s Shirts & Skins), and Siri Music artist Stefani Vara, who lent their time and voices to the project.
My how time flies and how far we’ve come when it comes to awareness and acceptance of those with HIV and AIDS in comparison to the 1980s. At the same time, we have quiet a way to go. One of the icons in the AIDS movement was Ryan White who died of AIDS on this day, April 8, 1990 at the tender age of 13. A hemophiliac, Ryan was diagnosed with AIDS in 1984 from receiving a blood treatment that was infected. The story of this young man from the midwest helped to begin to shift our thinking that HIV/AIDS was not a “gay disease.” Yet, he still faced his share of discrimination and was denied the opportunity to attend school once the school system became aware that Ryan had AIDS.
Washington, DC (November 25, 2009) — Our Nation joins the world in celebrating the extraordinary advancements we have made in the battle against HIV and AIDS, and remembering those we have lost. Over the past three decades, brave men and women have fought devastating discrimination, stigma, doubt, and violence as they stood in the face of this deadly disease. Many of them would not be here today, but for the dedication of other persons living with HIV, their loved ones and families, community advocates, and members of the medical profession. On World AIDS Day, we rededicate ourselves to developing a national AIDS strategy that will establish the priorities necessary to combat this devastating epidemic at home, and to renewing our leadership role and commitments abroad.
In honor of World AIDS Day, I have posted several videos as well as a wealth of resources, at the end of this post, with links to articles/news about HIV/AIDS on this blog as well as organizations and news from around the globe.
Whether or not you wear a red ribbon, do something as simple as joining a Facebook group focused on HIV/AIDS awareness and prevention. The more we raise awareness on HIV and AIDS the greater our chances are for ending this worldwide epidemic.
In her interview with Lester Holt, R&B singer Alicia Keys visits Agape Orphanage in Durban, South Africa and a health clinic that the organization Keep A Child Alive sponsors. It was after witnessing the impact of HIV and AIDS, firsthand, during a trip to Africa in 2003 that motivated Alicia Keys to action. Together, Leigh Blake and Alicia Keys founded Keep A Child Alive providing free lifesaving medical assistance, resources, and support to families all over Africa and India that cannot afford anti-retroviral medication and related care.
Los Angeles, CA– The Black Gay Men’s Network, a professional network committed to creating soulful, loving connections among Black gay men, will host its seventh annual retreat Thursday, October 1 Sunday, October 4, 2009 at the Eden Roc Renaissance Beach Resort, in Miami, FL.
Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc., in session, at its 95th Anniversary Conclave in New Orleans, LA, voted to induct the Honorable William Jefferson Clinton, the 42nd President of the United States of America, as an honorary member of the organization.