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Cost for hanging a noose in front of Jena demonstrators? 4 months.

I swear I thought up my post title before I ran into this picture, but it just sums up my initial reaction so well. Kudos to the photographer (source- Well, at least he got jail time, right?? Just pasting the image above (from the article I found here– …

In memoriam of Tim Russert (1950-2008)

When I saw the picture of Tim Russert on the news today with “(1950-2008)” written under it, I had a moment of disbelief.  You know how your mind starts trying to make logic of its own during those few moments of denial?  Then, I stopped to listen and heard the …

Blog “Black Gives Back” is a phenomenal read

I’m still a bit of a novice in blog-land, but since debuting in February this year, I have been inspired by how much of a voice the black community has through blogging.  I can remember countless nights of clicking and reading and clicking and reading from various blog lists just to …

Barack vs Hillary = Mac vs PC

I would be lying to say that I’m really into politics but who can’t be afffected by Barack’s rise not only into politics but into pop culture.  What presidential candidate has to field screams from young fans shouting, “I love you Obama!”  In his smooth manner, he just comments, “I …

Blog dedicated to missing African Americans

It’s pretty much a given that if you’re not a little blond girl, if you go missing, good luck getting some media attention.  I just ran across a blog called “Black And Missing But Not Forgotten” whose sole purpose is to spread the word about missing African Americans. Check it …