Reba Hollingsworth from Richmond’s CBS 6 News addresses natural hair (video series)

Before I present these videos, I want to say that I have never changed my hair texture for the purposes of a job search. I strongly believe that as long as you are well groomed and qualified (among other things) you should have absolutely no reason not to land a job in ANY industry. I have worked for conservative Fortune 100 companies, smaller companies, and been an entrepreneur and it’s never been a hiring issue. In most interviews, my hair was either in braids, kinky twists, or worn in its natural state. If a company or person within it finds bias based on your God given hair texture, then there are bigger issues than just hair at that firm, and you don’t need to work there.

I’d love to hear personal stories and your perspective on this often discussed issue.

Natural hairstyle controversy

Part 1- Natural hairstyle controversy

Part 2- Professional controversy

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